With greater access to smart devices, better technology, changing state and federal policies, and much more, you can now enjoy the benefits of virtual health systems. Read on to learn how virtual health has become easier to access than ever before, its benefits, and how Canopy Health members can make the most of this growing technology.
How Virtual Health Has Become So Popular
Technology has become an integral part of our lives. Statistics show:
- 92% of people shop online or on their mobile device
- 83% of people bank online or on their mobile device
- 59% of people refill prescriptions online or on their mobile device
- 42% of people measure health and fitness online or on their mobile device
As people have become more comfortable using technology in these areas, they are also becoming more comfortable using technology for healthcare.
But healthcare technology shouldn’t just be used because it’s new; it should be used to improve your experience and results. Virtual health does this. A recent survey from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions showed that use of virtual health can improve outcomes for patients by reducing lengths of hospitals stays, providing a better experience for the chronically ill, and decreasing the number of readmissions.
Why is virtual health effective? First, physicians and other providers can offer care beyond the traditional medical setting, making it easier for patients to access the healthcare system. Second, having care options at your fingertips (and not having to sit in a waiting room) can lead to a better, more convenient healthcare experience. Most importantly, the use of virtual health isn’t limited to the doctor-patient visit. It can help you and your doctor with accountability, tracking healthcare outcomes, and helping you keep up with medications and other treatments.
People Are Using Healthcare Technology Right Now
Consumer use of healthcare technology has grown since 2015, especially for measuring fitness and monitoring health concerns. For those of us who track our health with tech, 75% of all age groups use digital assistants to receive medical alerts, and 81% of younger people monitor their health using technology.
Virtual health visits are another growing trend. In the same survey from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, more than half (57%), said they are willing to experience a virtual visit with a physician. One of the reasons this number isn’t higher could simply be a lack of access to virtual visits with physicians. This is still an emerging technology in the medical field, and access to (and awareness of) virtual visits may be limited in certain areas.
But that doesn’t mean people aren’t seeking out virtual visits. Of all age groups, millennials were the most likely to have had a virtual visit with a doctor. And 77% of consumers who tried virtual visits were highly satisfied with their experience.
Whether the visit is in-person or virtual, the most important factor for consumers is the “personalization of care,” which reveals the importance of the patient-physician relationship regardless of the setting.
Canopy Health and Virtual Health
Canopy Health is working hard to provide members with the benefits that virtual health offers. With the recent release of the MyCanopyHealth mobile app and member portal, we are giving members exciting features such as the Doctors & Services Search, the Virtual ID Card, and Video Visits, among others. More importantly, we are eager to have you create an account and get started. With your feedback, we can continue to improve the member experience.
Abrams, K., & Korba, C. (2018, August 29). Consumers are on board with virtual health options. Deloitte Insights. Retrieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/industry/health-care/virtual-health-care-consumer-experience-survey.html